To find the right person for the job, first we need to evaluate all applicants and try to find the most suitable one. Based on what criterias are we going to evaluate the applicants? That’s up to you.

If you want to evaluate an applicant, firstly you need to add the criteria based on which you want to evaluate the applicant. When creating a job listing, the fourth step of the process is called Evaluation. In this page you will see some questions that are added as an example. You can delete them by clicking on the trash icon.

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If you wish to add other criterias, you should click on Add another. You should add a question or an evaluation criteria that you wish on the field (e.g. Soft Skills Evaluation) and then you choose the type of evaluation you wish to perform. Do you want to evaluate it from 1-5? By answering with Yes or No? It is all up to you. Just choose from the list.

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After you have filled the criterias on which you will evaluate and after you publish the job listing, you can go to the profile of the applicants that have applied to the job position, and click on the Evaluate section.  There you will see the criterias you set when creating the job listing and you can start evaluating your applicant based on them.

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