To simplify the hiring process, you can divide the application process in different stages. These are stages that each applicant goes through. Since for every company the stages that an applicant has to go through are different, we leave it up to you to add, edit or delete any stage you desire.

To add a new pipeline stage, you should go to Settings > General > Pipeline Stages. In this page you will see a list of the stages that are added by default.

Screenshot 2024-06-13 at 10.59.58.png

You should click on Add new stage. Then, you need to give the stage a name (e.g. Verbal Interview) and appoint a type to the stage (e.g Interview). The type of stages can not be added, edited or deleted. For each stage you add, you need to appoint a type to it, a placeholder should be added “Select stage type”.

Screenshot 2024-06-13 at 11.00.47.png

After you have added the stage name and type, you should click on Save Edits and the stage added will be saved.

If you wish to edit a stage, you can click on the edit icon at the stage you prefer to edit, and then you can perform the desired changes. After you are done, you should click on Save Edits and all the changes will be saved.

To delete a stage you should click on the trash icon next to the stage you wish to delete. A popup will appear asking you if you are sure you wish to delete the stage. After deleting a stage, all the applicants that were in the selected stage of the application will be moved to the “Applied” stage automatically.

If you wish to change the order of the stages, you can drag your desired stage and drop it to your preferred place of order.