To help you find the most suitable applicant, you can publish your created job listing to Linkedin for more visibility. Firstly, a member with access to integrations in your workspace should integrate Linkedin to the workspace. To learn how to integrate Linkedin to your workspace take a look at our article [ ].
Go to the Jobs page, and click on Create a new job. After you go through all the steps to create a job listing, the last step called Social Sharing Pool is a pool that offers you the opportunity to share your job listing to other job sharing platforms such as LinkedIn.
Then you need to select LinkedIn.
It is worth mentioning that there are some criterias to publishing your job position to LinkedIn:
After all these criterias are fulfilled, all that is left is to click on Publish, and your job listing will be published on HrPanda.
Your job listing will be posted on Linkedin within 12 hours. If it is noticed that after 12 hours the job listing you created has not been published yet, please contact our team for support [email protected].